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Healthy cosmetics

With the help of Hea?lthy Cosmetics

Everyone wants that cosmetics are anti-aging, brand enhancement, combat acne,, to nourish, moisturize, weightless, kiss proof for sun protection, long-term - and of course.
All this is doing for women and men, but what really affects women. Women use an average of 12 personal care products a day. Men use about half that much.
8 Product Safety
FDA, labeling ,and Beauty Product Safety
Many people look for beauty products that are made with healthy, non-toxic ingredients. Unfortunately it is not so easy for the consumer to identify which brands are actually healthy for your skin. This is because the labels that say that the products are "green", "natural" or "organic" no defined meaning.
There really is not a governmental regulatory body responsible for regulating the production of cosmetics.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has legal authority over cosmetics. However, cosmetic products and ingredients are not subject to the "authority of pre-market approval" (with the exception of color additives). In other words, the FDA does not check to see if that sunscreen is actually "100 percent organic". In addition, the FDA can not require the withdrawal of a dangerous product.
In addition, the FDA has the authority to take regulatory action against a manufacturer who sells or misbranded cosmetics adultered in the market.

Part 3 of 8: Cosmetic and Health
Cosmetics and Your Health
The FDA does not have the power to do so close cosmetics food and drugs. It is important that you, as a consumer, taking a more active role in decision making healthy purchase. Note that some of the chemical substances in products that are meant to apply to your face and body can be toxic.

Part 4 of 8: Prohibited Ingredients
ingredients banned

According to the FDA, the following components are legally banned cosmetics:
• bithionol
• chlorofluorocarbon propellants
• chloroform
• halogenated salicylanilides (di-, tri-, and tetrachlorosalicylanilide meta hum alan)
• methelyelene chloride
• Vinyl chloride
• zirconium complexes
• Materials prohibited cattle

Part 5 of 8: Limited Ingredients
limited ingredients

According to the FDA, you can use the list of ingredients, but are limited by law:
• hexachloropherene
• mercury compounds
• Sunscreens used in cosmetics

part 6 of 8: Other restrictions
other restrictions

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) is a nonprofit dedicated to educating consumers about what is actually in the products on the market organization. It covers EWG sunscreen skin care, makeup, toothpaste, baby products, and more. The GTA offers to avoid the following list of common ingredients

• benzalkonium
• BHA (butylated)
• hair dyes from coal tar and other ingredients of coal tar (eg phenol, diaminobenzene, and phenylenediamine)
• bronopol and DMDM hydantoin
• formaldehyde
• fragrance
• hydroquinone
• Methylisothiazolinone and

• oxybenzone
• paraben (propyl, isopropyl, butyl, and isobutylparabels)
• connections PEG / Ceteareth / polyethylene
• petroleum distillates
• phthalates
• resorcinol
• retinol and retinyl palmitate (vitamin A)

  • Triclosan and triclocarban

 Part 7 of 8: Understanding Make-Up
Understanding the “Make -Up” of Make Up 
To help you make wise decisions than are the four main categories of ingredients used in cosmetics and personal care products. Many of the above listed ingredients are unsafe one or more of these categories.

According to the Royal Society of Chemistry, they are found in all products used for the washing. Oily solvents is broken by the skin. If oils broken, they can be washed with water. Surfactants are combined with additives such as dyes, perfumes, and in products such as foundation salt, shower gel, shampoo and body lotion. The thickening agent, making them evenly and helping them clean and foam.
conditioning polymers
Conditioning polymers retain moisture in the skin or hair. Glycerin, a natural constituent of vegetable oils and animal fats produced synthetically for the cosmetics industry. It is the oldest cheapest most popular conditioning polymer, and.
In its products, conditioning polymers draw water and soften the hair, while the swelling of the hair shaft. They also keep the product dry. Stabilize scents and flavors seep through to keep bottles or plastic tubes. In products such as shaving cream, making the product feels smooth, polished, and does not stick in hand.
Preservatives are additives that have been of particular interest to the consumer. Be used to retard bacterial growth. Extend the life of a product and prevent infections of the skin or eyes. The cosmetic industry is experiencing self-preserving cosmetics with talks, which serve vegetable oils or extracts as natural preservatives. Studies show that some of these preservatives also botanical deodorant, anti-inflammatory or anti-oxidant properties. They can also irritate the skin or cause allergic reactions, and many have a strong odor that some people find unpleasant.
While not the most of what cosmetic, can "smell" often the most damaging part of a beauty product. Fragrance often chemical that can cause an allergic reaction. You might want to consider avoiding any product that contains the term "fragrance" in their list of ingredients.

Part 8 of 8: Packaging
Cosmetics Packaging concerns
Choosing healthy also means choosing makeup containers is safe for you and good for the earth. Airless packaging, such as an environment where many bacteria can not reproduce. Pots with open mouth can become infected with bacteria. Pumps with one-way valves, however, keeps the air in the opened package and harder pollution. Careful production maintaining the sterile product from entering the bottle or jar.

Foods for fair skin-Beauty Guide

I am, however, reduce the risk of skin cancer and skin look younger with these foods.
Sunscreen helps to maintain healthy and beautiful skin by protecting it from the outside to the inside, so that some of the injury to the skin to protect the interior. For the March 2010 study published in the Journal of the Academy maintains that some vitamins help protect the skin from acne. Better yet, many of the foods that you take hold of the skin and is a defense against cancer (the most common type of cancer), and help, and lift their faces smaller and the smoother your skin and wrinkle.

Should eat more foods rich in vitamin 100, such as strawberries, with the beginning of the world can do to prevent wrinkles and dry, is seen in the 2007 Journal of Clinical Nutrition research. Pinched skin effect of vitamin 100, may be due to the ability to collect the free radicals generated by UV light, the function of, and in the synthesis of collagen. Collagen is a fibrous protein and vitamin 100 it is necessary for a firm, keeping the skin collagen production.
Drink a cup of coffee a day to reduce the risk of skin cancer. In a study of 93,000 women published in the Journal of Cancer Prevention, who drank caffeinated coffee to one cup a day reduced the risk of developing melanoma skin cancer about 10 percent. 6 And it came to pass about the drink to cups or so throughout the day, the less the risk. Decaffeinated same protection to proceed.
Consumers carotenoid lycopene, which makes us, it can protect the skin from sunburn red tomatoes. In one study, participants who are exposed to ultraviolet light of the feeling of shame that he was eating was almost 50 percent less than 2 tablespoons of tomato paste 1 2/3 cups every day, 1/2 carrot juice or drink, except for the normal diet of 10 to 12 weeks. Additives, effective the same study, however, it was not so, of the benefit, or as replacements for synthetic lycopene lycopene did not significantly protected against the sunburn.
Tofu can help maintain the firmness of the skin of collagen, because it is rich in isoflavones. The study, published in the Journal of the American College of nutrition, and open to the mice of the skin with wrinkles, smoother fed isoflavones exposed to ultraviolet light of the UV radiation of mice, but fewer than the isoflavones recovered. The researchers believe that isoflavones help prevent the destruction of collagen.
Us live and Omega-3 fatty acids serum (eicosapentaenoic acid, docosahexaenoic acid, respectively) may be able to protect the salmon are the walls of the cell induced by the free radicals, according to the Ultraviolet A 2009 study in the Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Researchers eating habits of 1,100 adults and found about five years after the Australian recently ate 5 grams of omega-3 rich fish like salmon, weekly, development of precancerous lesions of the skin is decreased about 30 percent. Try to eat two servings of fatty fish a week: Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for the skin, it is good for your heart be also.
Papaya is the best source of vitamin 100 and vitamin 100 is able to help protect the research has shown now to repair the injury to the DNA of skin cells from UV rays UV radiation counseling. UV rays to break the chemical bonds of the skin cells, and they killed them, and destroying their DNA, who were at last able to cause tumor growth. You will find a variety of vitamin, they resorted to 100, some of which proved to be effective to protect the skin, why not directly to boost the sweet source of vitamin C.
Pink grapefruit:
Grapefruit is a red-pink pink from lycopene, a carotenoid that help keep the skin smooth. The acts in the 2008 study and Biopharmaceutics Medicine, researchers found that of the 20 subjects were those who had the highest concentrations of lycopene skin smooth.
Corn is the best source of Lutein, a carotenoid species. Such as lycopene, Lutein protects skin from UV rays. If, in the time that their corn, feel free to use the frozen alternatives. Frozen vegetables can also be a more healthful than that of the new products sold in supermarkets, said Gene Lester, Ph.D., a plant physiologist with the USDA Agricultural University Office. The fruit and vegetables tend to be transformed to the mature in the stiff was selected, what, when, for most people it is pretty much what you do to be brought up.
Even rich in antioxidants and isoflavones isoflavones act as harmful free radicals caused by sun exposure and scan mopping. Isoflavones can also help to maintain the consistency of the skin collagen, which begins with a twenty-our God. '
Egg yolk:
Egg yolk contains carotenoids Lutein, who, as the lycopene protects the skin from UV rays. Lutein helps maintain healthy eyes Lutein low risk for age-related degeneration positioning research tying spot and that was the cause of blindness in the over 50 years old.
Red pepper:
Every day more than 200 percent of the price of the medium red pepper vitamin vitamin 100 foods to eat can help protect the skin cells from the harmful rays of the sun, is already research has shown that vitamin 100 to repair the injury to UV rays can promote the DNA.
Research shows that caffeine in the tea (there is) you may be able to protect the skin from above the bow. Caffeine and kill precancerous skin cells from UV damage inhibiting protein is needed to divide explains Paul Nghiem, 1500, Ph.D., professor of dermatology at the University of Washington players. In the study, which is in the sun, the heat, when the mice were exposed to UV-B from the harmful caffeine inhibit the formation of skin cancer.
Beta carotene and lycopene and carotenoids has an end, both of which can protect the skin from the UV rays. In one study, participants who had been exposed to ultraviolet light of which was almost 50 per cent are less than about 1 2/3 cups of a feeling of shame that drinking carrot juice or eating two tablespoons of tomato paste from the day 1/2 day, with the exception of the normal diet of 12 to 10 weeks.
Soy milk:
Soy milk can help maintain the firmness of the skin of collagen, because it is rich in isoflavones. The study, published in the Journal of the American College of nutrition, and open to the mice of the skin with wrinkles, smoother fed isoflavones exposed to ultraviolet light of the UV radiation of mice, but fewer than the isoflavones recovered. The researchers believe that isoflavones help prevent the destruction of collagen.
And the Omega-3-rich fish can help maintain youthful-looking skin, and do not -ton another skin cancer. EPA (Eicosapentaenoic Acid), one of the omega-3 fatty fish, 'is to lay down the collagen has been shown, at times, from which maintains that the fibrous skin. Omega-3 EPA and of the fishes, as much as it pertains to other, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) to prevent skin cancer by reducing the inflammatory compounds that aid to promote the increase of the swelling, says Homer S. Black, Ph. D. Professor Emeritus in the Department of Medicine, Baylor College of Dermatology to Houston. Try to eat two servings of fatty fish a week: Omega-3 fatty acids are not only good for the skin, it is good for your heart be also.
Should eat more foods rich in vitamin 100, such as broccoli, when you are able to stop the wrinkles of old and dry, it is seen in the 2007 Journal of Clinical Nutrition research. Pinched skin effect of vitamin 100, may be due to the ability to collect the free radicals generated by UV light, but its role in the synthesis of collagen, and sometimes from God, keeping the skin firm and fibrous.
Spinach has Lutein, a carotenoid that protects the skin from UV rays. When buying spinach, the one to light a new study published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry shows the spinach stored immediately praised three higher levels of the least vitamin K 100 and preserved, E, folic acid and carotenoids Lutein and zeaxanthin.
Eat the most healthy for the meats that the Sardinians were full of the serum and the Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin live 500, which is by nature a very few foods. Omega-3 to keep the walls of the cell free radicals induced by ultraviolet Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2009, according to the study. Sardines and also to make it safe from the Pacific Ocean, the fishery collapsed in 1940, so seafood is sustainable elections Watch, "On green" quickly.
As lycopene, beta carotene, pumpkins golden skin mingled with the protection from the UV rays. Carotene and vitamin A in the body B will be, that which is useful is the eyes of the bones and a healthy immune system.

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